At the encouragement of my family, I've undertaken to compile this work - a book of memories from my past, from my own perspective.  Perhaps through my words and thoughts, the younger members of the family will gain a better understanding of from whence they came.

Even if not, however, this project has stirred up many distant thoughts and emotions, as well as more than a few tears.  I hope that you enjoy it.

On this Web site you'll find my story intermixed with a large number of old photographs that have been scanned-in.  For ease of reading, the photos have been reduced in size.  If you'd like to take a closer look at any particular picture, just click on the image.  (If you click again on the image, it will magnify even further.)  After doing so, in order to return to my journal use the Back button on your browser.

In order to trace the roots of our family,  we'll begin by looking at Grandma & Grandpa Fischer's background.  Only by understanding who they were, and why, can we really understand what followed.

Mary Ann (Fischer) Ozzie